I travel often for business, and my wife and I have an open marriage. What happens on the road, stays on the road, and what my wife does while I’m on the road is all good. (I just want to hear all about it.)
Recently my work took me to Boston and while I have been there before, I never really thought of is as a place that would be riddled with swingers. Boston is a college town with so many young people that I never thought much about swinging when I visited in the past.
What set this trip apart was that my wife surprised me for our anniversary and bought me a beautiful gold and silver necklace from you, which of course has the pendant for swingers. I wear it everyday but never really expected to meet random swingers. Well, I was wrong on two accounts. First, Boston is a whole lot more than a college town, and second, you will meet random swingers when you wear Partners ID jewelry.
After spending the morning in a meeting, I needed to get some fresh air. I walked out to find a Starbucks so I could sit and answer some emails. I ordered coffee, sat down at a table, and got to work.
Soon after sitting down, a couple walked over and asked if they could sit at the table with me. I glanced up at them and told them no problem. We were sitting in a corner where we had relative privacy. Starbucks was busy, so seating was limited.
I looked back down and started to type when I overheard the conversation between the couple. They were discussing travel plans for an upcoming vacation and how they were excited to finally meet a couple they were talking to on SDC. As soon as I heard SDC, I looked up and they were both looking at me. I didn’t say anything but the woman asked me if I was on SDC. I was taken back but then she pointed to my necklace.
Honestly I couldn’t believe it! I told her I am on SDC. She opened her bag, took out a card and handed it to me. She said she hoped to hear from me soon. With that, the two of the them got up from the table and left. I was so shocked I could hardly believe what had just happened. How lucky to be in the right place at the right time!
Needless to say, i immediately signed on to SDC to check them out. They looked to be a very hot couple who are totally open so I sent them an email telling them I was only in town until the next day but would love to meet up with them. I got a response from them within a half an hour inviting me to their home that evening.
I won’t go into too much detail but I will say it was a wonderful experience that I would never have had if it were not for wearing your necklace. As you can see I have placed an order for a few more pieces. Although my new friends knew what the jewelry meant, they did not own the jewelry. As a thank-you I have purchased these pieces for them.
I am very excited for what I might experience in the future. We have been swinging for more than 20 years and nothing like this has ever happened to me before. This is a great help for swingers who like to meet others in unlikely places.
Chris K.
Looking for the only lifestyle jewelry recognized around the world? Find it here: www.Etsy.com/shop/swingersjewelry